Tag: hate

Lt. Governor Fetterman’s daily ‘snake handling’ tweets are anti-Christian

Lt. Governor Fetterman has become obsessed with attacking religious Americans who support auditing the process and results of the 2020 election.

Social justice warriors call for violence against ‘Identity Evropa’ to combat racist stickers – Harrisburg, PA

In response to the local controversy of stickers being posted around town, one person said, “Oh, I’m ready. I wrote my master thesis about the Alt-Right and I’m serious about combating them.” Another said, “We should always punch a Nazi… we already gave peace a chance… I will not tolerate intolerance..”

Beware of Alt-right stickers containing razor blades; Harrisburg residents afraid & outraged

Chris Anderson and his wife were shocked and fearful when they spotted a racist sticker on a light post as they walked around the usually peaceful downtown streets.
Now Harrisburg residents have expressed outrage and warn of potential danger in removing the stickers.

The Patriots Secure Gettysburg, and Restore American Spirit 

The author and publisher of the original report are credited for leveraging AntiFA to avoid rioting in Gettysburg

Antifa to Burn Flag and Desecrate Graves in Gettysburg

“ANTIFA” are planning on holding a rally at Gettysburg National Battlefield on July 1st, asks it’s members to “Bring and Burn Confederate Flags”.

The group urges their followers to “find their local Confederate graves to desecrate.”