By: Dr. Stephanie Coxon

Do you think you are getting accurate information? Once again, networks prove they are bought and paid for by pharmaceutical dollars. As it turns out, when a candidate is informed and willing to speak the truth, they make sure he/she is blacked out.

Vivek Ramaswamy speaking at televised GOP debate, December 6, 2023

As Megyn Kelly twists the narrative to place blame in incorrect places (Donald Trump, of course) Vivek Ramaswamy came back stronger, louder, and with truth. Unfortunately, that was too much for the networks and he was quickly silenced to the American people as he was talking about the importance of free debate. It started with a misguided statement from Kelly, “Through operation warp speed, the Trump administration and private industry developed a covid vaccine in record time the program protected the companies from virtually all lawsuits over vaccine injuries. The government has a program to compensate for such harm, but critics say it is a black hole of bureaucracy. 12,000 claims filed, 10% decided, only 8 pay outs so far in a form with no right to counsel, no right to hearings, no appeals. Mr Trump says he is very proud of warp speed, should he be?’ First, let us be clear, it is former President Trump. Vivek quickly corrects Kelly’s question by clarifying that it was not Trump, but former president Reagan who created the program that exempted vaccine manufacturers from liability. Armed in knowledge, Vivek rails against the program indicating that he wants to see this program end so that all Americans can receive help for their vaccine injuries and not be forgotten about. He continued down the road of free speech and open debate and was ironically … silenced. More than 8 minutes taken out of the debate so the public would have no knowledge of the discourse. He rightly pointed out that if open debate had been allowed, the vaccine would have never been mandated. He further pointed out the cozy relationship between lobbying groups and former government elected official saying that there should at least a 10 year gap… and he is 100% correct.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 mandated that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services broadly promote and monitor the development of safer childhood vaccines. This information is supposed to be reported to Congress regularly.  According to PCIC (Pennsylvania Coalition for Informed Consent), these mandates have never had any follow through insomuch that in 2018, the Informed Consent Action Network, “obtained a court stipulation in which HHS admitted that it never submitted a single report to Congress detailing any improvements in vaccine safety.” Oddly, the biennial reports that are supposed to be presented to Congress detailing the risks associated with vaccinations or their programs has never happened.  Not only has this not happened, there has been over a 300% increase in childhood vaccines since the passing of the reporting requirement.  This is also despite over $4.7 billion awarded (up to 2021) to 8,513 victims of injury or death with far more being denied.

At let us not forget the cozy relationships. The mega-profit pharmaceutical industry creates connections with the agency that is supposed to be regulating it and then relies on those connections to see it through approval. For example, three members of an 11 member FDA advisory committee of experts resigned in protest over the FDA’s approval of Aduhelm for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.  It was approved despite the fact that both trials had to be stopped early.  Additionally, in a 2016 study published in the British Medical Journal, the majority of the FDA’s hematology-oncology reviewers who left the agency ended up working or consulting for the biopharmaceutical industry. In another investigation by Science magazine, 11 of 16 FDA reviewers who worked on 28 drug approvals and subsequently left the agency are working or consulting for the companies they recently regulated.  Further research has shown, and I quote, “… profit-driven models for developing treatments for epidemic pathogens produce sub-optimal and sometimes negative public health outcomes. Using the example of the drug remdesivir, we demonstrate how the divergence of private incentives from public health needs has led to such outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. We conclude that policy responses to this and future pandemics ought to be conceived and designed in ways that narrow the divergence of private interests from public health needs, including through greater public-sector involvement in pharmaceutical R&D.”   In summary, Vivek was right.

What has been further pointed out by Adam Townsend is that a lot of monies received by GOP candidates come from the George Soros of republicans, Ken Griffin to the tune of $60 million.  This is just the 2022 election cycle.  Griffin has publicly stated that he was part of the solution in the early days of covid and is proud that he could help immunize tens of millions of Americans… I think he meant kill or disable… but who’s counting at this point.  We know HHS isn’t. 

Does any person think it’s a good idea for a liability free product that carries documented risks, including death, be mandated in what is supposed to be a free country?  Apparently, someone from the pharmaceutical industry itself (Vivek Ramaswarmy) says no and has the gumption to say it…. If only the media would let him speak.  

I still can’t pronounce Vivek Ramaswamy’s name, but he went up quite a few points in my book last night. He may be crushing the truth train, but I’ll be praying for this safety.

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Central Pennsylvania News

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