Harrisburg, Pa – On Friday April 17, 2020 the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania was interviewed live on national television about the prospects of reopening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Citizens are preparing for life as usual beginning no later than May 1, however Lt. Governor John Fetterman was less optimistic.

“We are weeks away from any kind of major announcement opening, if at all,” Lt. Fetterman said of the shutdown in Pennsylvania.

Appearing in street clothing, wearing his trademark Carhartt jacket, Fetterman made the statement yesterday that he believes reopening Pennsylvania will be “directed by science and the experts,” and he says that at this time science doesn’t support reopening the economy.

Posted by hbg100.com

Central Pennsylvania News


  1. Nancy Farabaugh April 18, 2020 at 4:17 pm

    Pennsylvania was not infected as in New York and other places. Many communities have no infections. Time to open our state. Other governors are opening their respected communities. Enough is enough! We’ve NEVER closed down the economy for any other flu! This is a political hack job now to delay opening up the economy to go against our President! People of Pennsylvania have had enough!



  2. They want to wreck the economy as much as humanly possible, blame it on Trump, many people will buy into it, make him un electable…



  3. You people of Pennsylvania voted this idiot into office, now see what that got ya??



    1. They want to wreck the economy as much as humanly possible, blame it on Trump, many people will buy into it, make him un electable…Bob, not everyone voted for him…trust me



      1. They aren’t concerned about the science. The state has already been caught cooking the numbers. They cannot be trusted.


    2. Donna Ricupero April 18, 2020 at 8:21 pm

      How do you blame a pandemic on P President Trump.



    3. Can’t blame all of us, Philly and Pittsburgh make it hard for us conservatives



      1. Tim I live in Pittsburgh and Trump has a bunch of supporters here! Everyone that I know is voting for him next election. Philly is another story.


  4. Hey Fetterman Science doesn’t support the fact that Dr Richard Levine, which goes by the name of Dr Rachel Levine is an Actual Woman. He’s a dude pretending to a girl and yet we Pennsylvanians are supposed to take you, Tom Wolf and Richard Levine seriously. Go back smoking your dope, better yet get your house in order and stop taking away our Constitutional Rights. Oh and since Tom Wolf has made wearing facemasks Mandatory will he also provide them to the citizens. I didn’t think so…



  5. They admitted everyone is most likely going to contract this virus. We stayed home so the medical personnel wouldn’t be overwhelmed. Wasn’t that the plan? Wait until the hospitals were prepared? And then we take precautions and go back to work?



  6. We’re weeks away, if at all? What the hell kind of comment is that? So our choices fellow Pennsylvaniaians are 2 weeks more of this crap….or….never! We board the joint up and we all move away. It’s Centraila on a statewide scale. We have got to vette these people in charge a lot better than we have been.



  7. Debbie Webster April 18, 2020 at 7:00 pm

    Liars all of you. What kind of Agenda do you really have. I will not believe one more word OUT of any of your mouths. And I do believe you have fudged all the numbers. From here on out if I want to go out I am going out. I have followed your rules long enough. I have underlying issues I miss my Family my Grandchildren. Enough is Enough



    1. Ok, won’t you feel good about yourself when your irresponsible behavior results in you infecting your family, your grandchildren? So act like a spoiled brat, go out, and pray to God that you or one of your family members aren’t next in line for a ventilator…or worse, a steel coffin.



  8. rich gree wood April 18, 2020 at 8:18 pm

    find a more qualified expert. We started this lockdown so we would not overwhelm our hospitals. So far our hospitals have not even come close to being overwhelmed. Our community’s are being economically and socially terribly damaged. As with any virus we need to shelter and protect the most vulnerable people amongst us. Our state budget was in sad shape prior to this event. Shutting down the State liquor stores and the revenue lost further crippled the state. I am not an economist but it seems like you have shot yourself in the foot.



  9. It seems to me that the author of this order is Dr. Levine, male or female. However, he/she is not elected official and has no authority as far as i can tell to issue any order. These orders are completely unconstitutional and will never stand up in a court of law. And what have they decided the punishment will be for offenders? Whatever that punishment might be, will be thrown out as soon as the court opens it’s doors again. I would like to think that they would not try to arrest people – that will cause civil lawsuits out the kazoo for municipalities. As a small business owner, I will be operational on May 1, 2020. They need to remember – they work for us – we don’t work for them.



    1. You are so right! I will be shopping May 1. Who are the experts Fetterman refers too??



    2. Exactly. Wolf is letting this person run the whole state.



  10. As directed by science? Seriously? Science started out by saying no need to wear masks- now they are essential. Hundreds of thousands will die- not accurate. “Models” have been inaccurate. The one data point that is true and trustworthy is small business are going bankrupt and the fallout will ruin many who have worked hard to build a business only to be “forced” to close.



    1. I still have not seen wolf or richard levine wearing a mask or social distancing I’m done with this crap. May 1st asfsr as im comcerned we carefree people again let Wolf try to stop the whole state of PA



  11. Every death is a tragedy, I don’t deny that. I do, however, question the numbers. The death rate and confirmed cases are going up in PA?

    The more you test, the numbers will go up. That’s not a death sentence. The reported deaths due to COVID-19 is false ( in my opinion). The numbers are false so the communists running PA can impose more government control.

    Meanwhile, small businesses are crumbling. That is despicable and the “leadership “ of this commonwealth is to blame. Now they want everyone to wear a mask. Bullshit

    Open PA back up. Wear the masks and social distance as needed. Government and the media needs to stop scaring people.



  12. As of April 18, there were 31,069 cases of COVID-19 virus and 836 dead in PA even with the best protocol and practices of “stay at home” and social distancing. This is fact. Removing current practices across the state will increase the risk exponentially, especially to the older population. These are statistics until they hit home to someone we love. At the same time, Pennsylvanians need to earn a living. This suggests the development of a protocol that will be sustainable and not force the state to close again. Governor Wolf announced his administration is working in earnest on a plan he hopes to present within two weeks. In the meantime, the Republican controlled PA House and Senate have passed SB 613 which addresses tax issues largely, crosses out all suggestions presented by the Democrats, and announces a plan to make a plan for opening the economy, but has ZERO guidelines. In other words, it is not a plan. NO PLAN. I read the entire bill and I suggest others do the same. It is clearly a hastily, unclear, poorly crafted piece of legislation that should be an embarrassment to the PA Senate and the PA Republican Party. Let us do this right. We are all in this together.



  13. Wolf and Levine have no plan. The LT Governor is clearly clueless. Let’s see the plan. Unemployment is getting worse and will bankrupt this state. Open up responsibly now!



  14. Stupid people elected stupid people you will get stupid results. I present to you Wolf and Fetterman the new “Dumb and Dumber” team.



  15. Victoria Maxwell April 20, 2020 at 8:49 am

    We did what they asked, by sheltering place.
    We should have opened Easter Monday. Soft openings. The virus is here to stay until they find a cure or vaccine to manage it. Everyday that we don’t work is going to be the death of healthily people, financially, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Pennsylvania has drive and desire to rise up and hit this virus head on. We can maintain social distancing, no one is suggesting otherwise. We are never going back to what we used be, we are using our technology and adopted new safer policies and proceeders. We are adults. We know the risk. We can do this and do it responsible.



  16. This Nazi looking fool better realize that if people can’t make a living unlike this free loader of tax payer, someone will gun him down!



  17. Get your shit together. We were moving to opening up May 1st. The you pull the mask shit and extend it a week. Why didn’t you do the mask 2 weeks ago. You people have no idea about what you are doing. Just shoot from the hip on a weekly basis.



  18. Christine Horn April 21, 2020 at 2:58 pm

    They closed the businesses so quickly with no notice I wonder if they’ll find any skeletons of people who didn’t get out fast enough!

    Some time to prepare giving food purveyors to have some specials to use food on hand or giving us a day to get reading materials or movies from the library to help us through the quarantine.



  19. Open the state. You said it yourself, the hospitals are not over run with people. They are laying off nurses, technicians, etc What science are you using!!!!!



  20. Tom WOLF needs to be removed from office. HE has made PENNSYLVANIA bankrupt because he has no idea about what he is doing EXCEPT trying to take our constitutional rights away. And the covid19 NUMBERS are completely made up and BULLSHIT. Tell me the last time you heard that someone died from something other then covid19. The classify all DEATHS covid19 so They can cook the numbers, to try to keep people scared about the virus. The are trying to train people to obey everything they say. New world order. This virus is no worse than any other virus. The media lies about everything to hype people up so they are scared to go outside because they might die from the virus. Yes you can die from this virus, the flu,other virus, killed in a car accident, have a heart attack, from cancer,diabetes, anoyrism, you take a risk anytime you go somewhere. It’s part of life, viruses are part of life, always have and always will. The thing the media or the so called EXPERTS don’t tell you is that your immune system needs to be in contact with other people and things so that you can be around germs and bacteria and viruses, that’s what keeps your immune system strong. Its common sense. The stay at home order, the wearing gloves and masks order will only WEAKEN your immune system. So you and everyone else can live your or their life the way you want. But I have been working through this whole thing and come in contact with different people every day. I still haven’t seen someone or know anyone or know anyone who knows someone that has this virus. The supposed tests aren’t accurate at all. The government is showing everyone how easy it is to control us and take our constitutional rights away, well I will not adhere to their mandate, I will not live in FEAR, and I will not stop fighting for mine and every AMERICAN CITIZEN RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH,BECAUSE I WILL NOT LIVE UNDER TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS TRYING TO TELL ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE OR TELLING ANYONE HOW TO LIVE THEIR LIFE. THIS IS THE USA THAT WE LIVE IN. LAND OF THE FREE AND LAND OF THE BRAVE. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP, AMERICA AND GOD BLESS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE



  21. Sling Blade speaks…..



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