New: AntiFA to Burn Flag and Desecrate Graves in Gettysburg 

Update: The recent violent demonstrations by AntiFA have prompted the Harrisburg Police Department to request an additional $65,000 in riot gear.

On 6/10/17 11:32am, Harrisburg Police were assisting with the Act For America Rally on the Capital steps of N. 3rd & State Streets. During this Rally part of the protestors moved from the capital steps north bound on N. 3rd Street throughout the midtown area. Multiple mounted PSP Troopers and Harrisburg Police were assisting with moving a large crowd from blocking the 1200 BLK of N 6th Street towards the sidewalk.

A PSP Corporal and his partner, horse Sampson, were attempting to move the crowd when the defendant, Lisa Simon, used a flag pole with a silver nail at the top of the pole to strike horse Sampson in the side of the neck. Simon did this while obstructing the troopers from performing their duties to move the crowd onto the sidewalk.

Simon resisted Harrisburg Police officers from effecting a lawful arrest. Both the PSP Corporal and horse Sampson were able to continue working with minimal injury.

A warrant is being requested for the following charges: Aggravated Assault to Police, Taunting Police Animals, Prohibited Offensive Weapons, Obstruction to Law Enforcement Function, Resisting Arrest, and Disorderly Conduct

Case Number: 17-0610-033-001

Arrest Date: Saturday, June 10, 2017


Aggravated Assault-Police

Police Animals-Taunt/Torment/Strike

Offensive Weapon

Obstruction Administrative Law

Resisting Arrest

Disorderly Conduct

Source: Harrisburg Bureau of Police

Posted by

Central Pennsylvania News


  1. […] Update: AntiFA Assaulted State Police Horse […]



  2. von cornelius June 12, 2017 at 3:29 pm

    This was a premeditated attack on someone or something. She prepared that weapon and carried it with her just to attack someone or something.



  3. The antifa brats better sit down and shut up. Enough is enough. They think they have it all figured out but they are just a bunch of misfits whose parents probably never wanted them and made sure they knew it.



  4. Dirty Bitch have that horse kick her right in the face these Antifa Fucks have no clue whats coming to them🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    Liked by 1 person


    1. Are you sure she is female? Looks like a boy to me. Hope he/she goes to jail and stays there for what she did.



  5. I hope she ends up like Marinna Rolling did – dead by her own hand after torturing and killing a veterans service dog.
    Skin head bitch needs to have her skin shaved off.



  6. if she’s such an anti facist, why is she acting just like one. typical liberal snowflake.



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