Carlisle, Pennsylvania – The Manhattan’s raised the roof while raising money for youth ballet in central Pennsylvania this weekend. A grand ball featuring whiskey, crystal, and live music from the famous R&B band was held in Carlisle.

Lou Capozzi speaks on stage with The Manhattans, December 9, 2023

The annual Christmas party, organized by Capozzi Adler P.C., featured live music played by The Manhattans during a fundraiser at the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet studio. Whiskey from the historic Woodburn Farm Distillery located at Grandpa’s Love Shack in Perry County was featured at the event.

Lou Capozzi signs a bottle of his whiskey from the Woodburn Distillery at Grandpa’s Love Shack, December 9, 2023

Crystal imagery glassware designed by Bourbon Cowgirl, customized with The Manhattan logo was gifted to the Grammy award winning band.

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Central Pennsylvania News


  1. Yes we get it, Alex Jones is was reinstated on Twitter. Stop rubbing it in our face.



    1. That is your take away? Does Alex and Donald live in your head rent free all the time? Liberalism really is a mental disorder



  2. Crooked Capozzi and his criminal crew.



    1. AMEN. Why even give him any spotlight. He is the most Crooked individual who should never be placed in the same sentence as GOP. He is RINO 110% and doesn’t care about republicans and conservative values. All he is worried about is what kind of alcohol is in his hand to consume.



  3. Talk about a motley crew of a Christmas Party



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