Miami, Florida – Angie Wong—a political journalist and co-host of The Final Countdown—recently filed a defamation lawsuit in the West Palm Beach, Florida-based 15th Judicial Circuit Court, accusing Stan Fitzgerald, Jared Craig, Patrick Collis and their associates of defamation per se and conspiracy to defame for damages in excess of $50,000. The lawsuit alleges that, after Wong raised concerns about the defendants’ questionable operations and accounting of L-Strategies LLC, in addition to the collection of political donations routed to personal business bank accounts and not those of intended nonprofit organizations, Fitzgerald, Craig, Collis, and others repeatedly made false claims about Wong that intentionally, adversely reflected on her business ethics and practices.

The lawsuit can be accessed here.

As the lawsuit outlines, Fitzgerald and other defendants conspired to publish and spread defamatory statements transparently disguised as “official” press releases and “independent” investigative reports concerning Wong, wrongly accusing her of fraud, embezzlement, and federal election law violations. Wong also criticizes the defendants for disseminating false accusations calling her a member of the Chinese Communist Party, a meritless and xenophobic smear, combining with the other defamatory statements to damage Wong’s reputation in ways that amounted to substantial monetary damages.

“There is no place for xenophobes like Stan Fitzgerald, Jared Craig, Patrick Collis and their associates in today’s Republican Party, which desperately needs fresh faces and new voters to grow the party,” said Wong. “The allegations made against me are 100 percent false and only meant to deflect from the criminal inquiries into the defendant’s highly questionable business practices. Those who resort to defamation to conceal wrongdoing, or undermine honest people who call them out on it, should be removed from leadership immediately and held accountable in the court of law and the court of public opinion. This lawsuit has been filed in pursuit of accountability to set the record straight, not only to protect myself, but to also protect anyone else who is unfortunate enough to cross paths with these scammers.”

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Central Pennsylvania News


  1. Angie,
    Thank you for being on the front lines. You are an angel with an army of supporters.



  2. Wong is already a defendant in two Georgia litigation’s see Wong’s Florida lawsuit is a response to the pending Georgia litigation’s where she dodged process service for five months. Wong’s claim to racial defamation is based on her own photo that she took , and shared, of herself posing in front of a communist dictator where as her former business partners made no comment or inferences about the CCP ….. it is her own photo taken in poor taste. The link to this Florida litigation in this article has evidence attachments that prove the case against Wong in Georgia. Maybe Wong thinks no one will actually read the case. The Florida case is basically a counter claim filed in Florida to the Georgia lawsuits. Expect the Florida suit to be dismissed based on lack of evidence and venue and Defendant Wong to answer for her actions in Georgia.



  3. I mean, at least they kinda sorta re-wrote the press release?



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