Mechanicsburg, Pa. – The controversy surrounding transgender bathroom rights has swept the nation, and similar conflicts have been occurring in schools throughout Pennsylvania.

Literature in support of gender neutral bathrooms has been circulated in the Eagle View Middle School of the Cumberland Valley School District in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. A parent randomly found the literature, pictured below, folded up inside of a textbook.

The parent said they have found other suspicious literature occasionally being distributed by the school, and their child has complained of being the target of harassment and intimidation by a group of 6th & 7th grade students who identify as “furries.” Furries are kids who believe they are animals.

According to the New York Times, furries are a myth. However, a different story is told by teachers, students, and parents in central Pennsylvania.

Allegedly some of the furry kids wear costumes and outfits to dress as an animal for fun, including wearing tails to school. Some furries exhibit aggressive behavior and have been compared to holding an ideology similar to LGBT or antifa groups, but they instead choose to identify as animals.

According to the Cumberland Valley parent, their child came home from school and said, “Dad, the furries see me in the hallway and call me a dumb straight white boy,” but he can’t make sense of it because the furries are also white kids.

Meanwhile, parents continue to discover new issues that many districts are now facing.

While attending a training meeting in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, a parent found a urinal in the women’s room of Upper Perkiomen Middle School.

“I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. I had to check the sign because I thought I was in the wrong bathroom. It’s the first thing you see when you walk in. And, it has a bin for sanitary products disposal in it. I was so mad, I left my training in tears,” the parent told Harrisburg100.

Allison Shipp, leader of Moms For Liberty – Cumberland County, spoke to Harrisburg100 about this and other incidents being reported in local school districts. She said, “It is time to get back to basic education in our schools. Teachers are hired for math, reading and basic education skills. We don’t send our kids to schools for anything other than that. Morals, values, religion, etc., come from the home, not the school. Parents are not interested in having kids hyper sexualized at any age from anyone. That’s called grooming! This is inappropriate behavior to be coming from teachers, and occurring on school property. For those who do not have kids in the public school system, I would say, you should still very much care about the overall impact on society, because your tax dollars are funding this. This isn’t being “inclusive”, it’s about an agenda, an agenda that tear our children and communities apart through social and political programming. What we at Moms for Liberty are doing is holding those in charge accountable, educating our community on the massive destruction going on in our schools, and helping turn school boards over to conserve our constitutional integrity once again. We fight for parental rights, the education of our children, and the future of our country as a whole.”

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Central Pennsylvania News


  1. Jennifer Rondowski May 3, 2022 at 10:48 am

    Where are the responsible teachers?



    1. There aren’t any anymore



  2. Thank you for shedding a light on this serious – child abuse – problem; while mainstream media is redirecting the public to false “crises” of the day.



  3. Make all bathrooms unisex and stop all this nonsense.

    A Unisex bathroom can only support one person at a time so there is no need to squawk about anything since the person using it has complete privacy.



    1. Jimijoejimbob May 3, 2022 at 5:10 pm

      Ok groomer



    2. No, school restrooms are for more than one person at a time and there have been many sexual assaults in these restrooms since they started allowing males to invade them, on one instance a 5 year old girl was sexually assaulted by a 7 year old boy who was “gender fluid” in Georgia. Unisex restrooms even single use restrooms have urine splattered on the floor and are unhygienic



    3. Where will they make drug transactions?



  4. If public schools are going to be pedophile’s prey sources, then abolish them, and give the parents their kids equal share of total district funding to use at the private school of their choice, or for one parent to stay home and homeschool, and with absolutely not one shred of ANY government involvement.



    1. The pedophile groomers work for the Government and will never give up their captive prey. They know that parents would use the money to send them to private schools that are more public than the secret schools we call public. These kids are being groomed to accept the abuse and not speak about it.



    2. Many private schools are as bad or worse.



  5. Furries are typically LGBTQIA hence their likeliness to ANTIFA and BLM.



  6. Save Your Children May 3, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    Wake up people and stop sending your children to government run public schools. Figure out a way to homeschool or find a private school. You can figure out a way to do it. Believe in God, and he will help you find a way. My wife and I did 20 years ago and our 3 children have grown up to be self thinkers and do not buy into any of the crap that the media, government, etc are shoving in our minds daily. Your childrens future is in your hands, don’t let the government ruin them.



  7. I removed my children from public schools after 1 year in 1980s
    Teachers said every child was incorrigible & a few were slamming door open so hard it almost hit me. Then a counselor said my son needed a psych eval bc he was walking out of the class. Turns out he couldn’t hear& needed tubes- Dr said he would hear just garble & wrote a letter to counselor- who still felt I shd get psych eval. I had just become a Christian & a nurse. I said I was working on obedience now that my 4 yro could hear& showed him a Christian book from Dobson
    He accepted it. I can’t imagine today- they would probably take my kid and say I’m abusing him for teaching him Abt God.



    1. whose god what god? The flying spaghetti monster? tteaching kids about religion – whether Islam, Hindu, Buddhism, Judaism, or christianity (protestant or catholic) isn’t abuse. It’s brainwashing, but not abuse.



  8. Will furries be considered an invasive species and have an open season like sparrows and starlings with no bag limit? Asking for a friend.



  9. […] There, weird kids in animal costumes, or parts of animal costumes, harass normal kids in the halls (…). This involves students in the sixth and seventh […]



  10. If you allow furries in school then students should be allowed to bring their German shepherd comfort animal.



  11. This is the most misleading and ridiculous headline and article I’ve read, and that is saying a lot!






  13. Lots of fear mongering and much ado about nothing. A kid who wears a tail or ears is just kidding around and having fun, A biological boy who identifies as a girl is not a predator, if she feels like a girl and thinks she is a girl that’s her identify, but that doesn’t make her dangerous and certainly she isn’t being programmed “groomed” by government or the schools. Just cool it!



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