Camp Hill, PA – According to mulitpe accounts, pictures and videos posted to Facebook, Elizabeth Reily assaulted a patron at the Brewhouse Grille in Camp Hill.

“I see the blonde woman with the glasses in blue threw coffee at another woman who had a Trump T-shirt on.

The lady with the trump shirt went to go to the bathroom and the blond with glasses followed her and threw the coffee. The thrown coffee landed mostly on top of my hair, face and some on my clothes.

What I find disturbing is that I come to find out later the woman who threw the coffee was upset because the other woman had a Trump shirt on. The blond with glasses harassed the other group calling them racist, bigots, and swamp dwellers.

She was thrown out of the bar and returned not even 5 minutes later with that same smirk and planted herself in between the table she harassed and my table.” – Joyce Park Williams

According to MAG PAC:

West Shore School District (Lewisberry, PA) 2nd grade teacher, Liz Reily is accused (video evidence and several witnesses) of throwing a cup of coffee on another patron at the Brewhouse Grille & 2050 State Brewing Co in Camp Hill, PA during the lunch hour on St Patrick’s Day for simply wearing a t-shirt with the likeness of President Donald J. Trump.

Mrs. Reily is also a Cumberland County, Pa Democratic Committee leader from Camp Hill, PA.

As of today, there have been no arrests made, no reprimands from the school district, and no condemnation from the Cumberland County Democratic Committee.

Please call the West Shore School District at 717-938-9577. Please be respectful and let them know that this type of behavior is “mentally unfit” for a second grade teacher and that you demand an immediate suspension pending a full investigation!

WE ALL KNOW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN if the roles were “reversed!”

Posted by

Central Pennsylvania News


  1. Glenda Bradley March 25, 2019 at 4:16 pm

    She is unfit to be a 2nd grade teacher. She needs to be suspended



    1. She isn’t fit to be a human being.



    2. should be fired…. think how she would treat a child that like trump or parents liked trump.. fire her ass






    4. Cheryl Gordon April 6, 2019 at 9:54 am

      That intolerant unhinged teacher should be fired and her teaching license revoked. This is a reflection of how she could treat our children. The lady that was assaulted should still have her arrested and sue her too



  2. she was my own teacher 25 years ago and it is a shame that this happened but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a lot more that happened (even if just words were said) that instigated the behavior because I do not see anyone reacting this way (especially a teacher) simply bc of a shirt someone else was wearing



    1. Do you not watch the news or see social media?? Liberals react violently to Trump supporters everywhere in broad daylight. It’s no secret they’re out for blood and want to harm others simply for their political beliefs.

      People like that want violence? They need repeatedly throat punched in return then.

      Liked by 1 person


    2. Jon are you living under a rock. This is happening every day. I would just love someone to pull that shit on me when I am wearing my Trump shirt and hat. Male or Female they would have to be carried away.



      1. Burnkhardte Markcauhs, William sire * March 31, 2019 at 12:33 am

        Ohu’rea lil toughffy- shit afraid of ur own Shawnhadow I’ve seen your stuff, profile, advice go back to the forth grade & four year old u littleopenpussy cat-! Martin Schorr pencilneckdick I’d ĒĒUuck-‘u ewe round like awragdoll
        Yeah like a raggedasshdoll.


    3. Make all the excuses you want for this vile woman but she was wrong no matter what was said. She assaulted the woman by throwing coffee on her and she should be charged with assault and the school should discipline her for her outrageous behavior.

      Liked by 2 people


      1. This site appears to be unwilling to register my “likes” of many comments here, though I logged in. Another example of censorship? This I find unacceptable, even with all that occurs these days in the political realm. (Sorry I had to speak under a “reply” heading.)

        Liked by 1 person

    4. It has been noted that others have been assulted because of being A President Trump supporter. Another person was assulted because he had a hat on that said make America great again

      Liked by 1 person


    5. Really, have you not been watching whats going on at the college level as well. If a Republican student is alone walking to class, they are attacked by the
      Democrat students. Don’t believe me, do your research!
      If I was assaulted with hot coffee like that, I would have damn sure filed Assault and Battery charges against her. Then made sure she was no longer teaching!

      But something to think about Jon what if she did that to YOUR WIFE, would it still be okay with you?

      Liked by 1 person


    6. Michael Kovacs March 28, 2019 at 9:07 am

      …enter the Dem / Lib party of losers….

      Liked by 1 person



      Liked by 1 person


    8. I know plenty of teachers, this only really shows her mentality.



    9. Jon, pull your head out of your rear end. This is how liberals actually do behave most often when unprovoked.



      1. they do the provoking. liberals a riots waiting to happen, wear the wrong shirt, button or hat and that is what provokes them, but as a free country we can be allowed to do htis…… nobody throws coffee on a guy with a fu shirt on or sexually expliced shirt. and that is far worse than to like your wearing their hat or pin or shirt


    10. brenda ritacco March 28, 2019 at 3:11 pm

      The liberal left are lunatics and it takes nothing to set them off. Their poster boy is Jessie Smollet! The Communist propaganda pushers called teachers are the worst1



    11. Do you smoke a lot of pot ?



      1. If you are reefering to The teacher Moore Riley…she would have been mellow if she had been smoking.


    12. Of course you can believe it. It’s called TDS and it is a very real psychosis suffered by lefties and Never Trumpers.



    13. Yea dumbass, what rock have you been living under?



    14. Liberals are pretty much unhinged since Queen Hillary lost. This behavior doesn’t surprise me. Nothing could have been said to justify this behavior no matter your political ideology. Watch the video!



    15. Hi Jon. Sadly, TDS assault is all too common, even made up TDS assault (Jussie). Do a little googling. Assault by a teacher or other school personnel is happening almost once a month lately. Those are the ones that get reported. It’s shameful.

      Liberals promised there would be violence if Trump were elected. Liberals just neglected to mention so much of that violence would be coming from THEM.

      Liked by 1 person


    16. Jon, you need to get out more often. A Trump yard sign or a bumper sticker “provokes” the unstable leftists to vandalize homes and cars. Proclaiming to be social justice driven, they grow more fascist in their attitude and actions.



    17. Wow…you are quite the simpleton…..Have you had your head shoved in your dark tunnel the last two plus years??



    18. What rock have you been living under. This is happening all over our country every day. . People have become uncontrolled animals.



    19. Then you haven’t been paying close enough attention because it isn’t uncommon behavior for teachers (or Democrats) these days. Did you forget that the ANTIFA member who assaulted the Trump supporter was a college professor?

      …people are creating their own hate crimes due to politic.



    20. Jon, you believe that someone instigated this behavior from a teacher? This behavior is happening at schools, campuses, restaurants and businesses all over the nation. If you are uninformed regarding this you might want to watch a news station that is not CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS or MSNBC because they will not report on the hateful acts of the Democrats. Trump supports are being spit at, hats ripped from their heads, food dumped on them, restaurants asking them to leave, beat upon and so many other illegal acts you could not count. So sad that you are so uninformed. Only uninformed citizens would be unaware of these hateful acts.



    21. This happens ALL OF THE TIME to Trump supporters who wear ANYTHING supporting our President.



      1. That’s why I just donated to the Trump campaign to get a MAGA hat. Anyone touches me and there wil be two hits following the unprovoked attack. First my fist hitting the liberal pansies face, and his/her crumpled body hitting the ground. You want a fight this is what will happen. Every republican shall defend themselves is this what the democrats want? Broken faces!


    22. you apparently have not watched any news..this happens all the time..they have TDS..trump derangement syndrome



    23. Jon,
      This type of ignorance has become common with the left! I think she should’ve been charged with assault, at least, and disciplined for her immature behavior! She had absolutely no right to do what she did!!



    24. Hate to have to say it, but you need to pay attention to the news more. This happens a lot. And yes, it is documented that these patriots are just minding their own business.



    25. Jon, even if the behavior was instigated by words or just the shirt itself, it does not give anyone the right to commit assault against that person. You can’t go around assaulting people who are exercising their first amendment rights. If someone wants to show support for the president, they should be able to without fear of injury by some who disagrees with them.

      Furthermore, wearing a shirt showing support for the president is no different than wearing a sports jersey. Are you saying it would be ok to assault a kid wearing an Elmo shirt because you hate Elmo? It’s the exact same thing.

      No person has the right to assault or otherwise lay hands on someone else…..PERIOD.



    26. I am an independent voter and I see DEMOCRATS attacking Americans that support their duly elected President Donald Trump. Democrats the party of intolerance. Democrats can freely wear shirts supporting HRC who I detest, Bernie or Obamma without repercussion or fear of assault.
      Hollywood, Democrats, liberals and progressives you can’t force us to think like you. Name calling and assaults will not stop us from being free of your oppression.



    27. there were eye witnesses to her behavior, it doesn’t matter what you THINK , it’s reported that the teacher made rude comments and then threw her coffee; so if she was provoked first by words then it was okay for her to get mad and throw hot coffee on someone ?



      1. And no matter what your politics or any possible provocative behavior there is absolutely NO justification for someone, especially someone in this position of responsibility before kids, to act in the manner this teacher did. Speaking as a psychiatrist and from a long-range family of teachers.


  3. Jon… unfortunately some people are just unhinged at the whole Trump being president and their unstable behavior fueled by msm… time to grow up democrats and realize others are allowed to have their own opinions and choices… have you seen the videos of adults attacking children… there’s an extremely disturbing problem in the democratic party… they are violent, close minded, and feel justified in their actions… it needs to stop…

    Liked by 2 people


    1. Adults attacking children? I don’t know any children that you let go out to eat by themselves….



      1. Are you forgetting, you are not considered an adult until 18. So… yea they go out to eat with their friends.

        Shame on this, that its ok cause she is a Democrat.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah really, it happens.. not necessarily while out eating per say but it happens.. simply because libs have been brainwashed to the point of insanity! Y’all need to just take a step back and except reality!


      3. …the Catholic Students who were being verbally attacked by a mob…..and they did NOTHING to start it….just had their MAGA hats on.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. brenda ritacco March 28, 2019 at 3:21 pm

        Teenagers are minors and unstable debased liberals act more like animals than humans when they are attacking minors. Just like a liberal to get technical over the word children unless it fits your agenda like calling David Hogg and his feminist gay friend children! You’re just another liberal who’s rhetoric backfires because of your inability to use logic and common sense.


      5. Really, Really? You never went out for a burger by yourself or with friends when you were a minor? Ever? Were you raised in a crate and fed through the bars?


      6. There’s plenty of videos of teachers, bus drivers, etc., shown making students, sometimes forcibly, removing maga hats! Where are their rights?? As long as it’s not some inappropriate slogan or picture then it’s their right to wear or display what they want!


    2. Violent? How so... March 26, 2019 at 8:20 pm

      I feel like you literally are the definition of what you just described.



  4. It’s a shame that some people are so civilized. A good friend of mine had his fiance at a restaurant in MD and a similar incident occurred. The difference is his fiance is Jewish and an IDF veteran who when assaulted answered with a devastating reply via open hands to some very painful pressure points and the Democrat went down very hard. God I love his new fiance. BTW I reside in Camp Hill, PA.

    Liked by 2 people


  5. Wow, glad I now reside in Florida. That being said,glad she didn’t throw coffee on me, cuz she’d probably be I, Holy Spirit Hospital recovering from a good ass whooping..

    Liked by 2 people


    1. Because Florida is so much better lmao



      1. Florida Cracker March 28, 2019 at 10:35 am

        We don’t have that crap in Florida , because the majority of Florida voted for Trump.
        Plus we have a lot of Concealed Carry here and your ass will get shot in a heart beat.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. no charges are being pressed, if she was to be suspended it would look ridiculous. You ladies have road rage all the time and I’m pretty sure you have your jobs because no one followed you to your workplace. Get over it.



    1. Joseph Mccorry March 28, 2019 at 5:44 pm

      so it’s ok to assault someone just because of a piece of clothing?



      1. Steve Sideritch March 28, 2019 at 7:54 pm

        Why not , the muslim do it all the time ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


  7. She should be fired immediately. Is this the type of person who should be shaping young minds? Clearly not. Common sense, a rarity these days, should be used here.



  8. Mcalluster Lee March 28, 2019 at 9:33 am

    Holy krap if a T-shirt set her off like that good grief….guess she doesn’t like the extra money Trump go her in her pay check from the tax cuts….idiot.



    1. brenda ritacco March 28, 2019 at 3:24 pm

      and fools will let her teach their kids, it’s no wonder this country has gone down the hell hole!



  9. Elizabeth (Liz) Reily is a CRIMINAL! She is totally unfit to be a school teacher (or even call herself a decent human being!) The lady w/ the T-shirt on should have SPIT right in Liz Reily’s face! She should have an ASSUALT case brought against her! Liz Reily is the WORST KIND of racist, bigot, & SEWER DWELLER!! She should be FIRED from teaching & FINED heavily for ASSAULT & BATTERY!! “This is a FREE country, Ms. STUPID LIZ REILY – BEING A TEACHER, YOU SHOULD know that! (I hope you get what you deserve – how would YOU feel if it had been the other way around & someone threw coffee on YOU because of their clothing!)” If low class people like Liz Reily is allowed to get away w/ these attacks, they will be emboldened to do more & WORSE! Get the LAW involved! WARNING: Killings can result from such attacks! – On BOTH sides!

    Liked by 1 person


  10. She should face justice. How many other teachers are saying to her that she did the right thing. These are the people teaching our children.

    Liked by 1 person


  11. She should be thrown in jail. That’s assault.



  12. I’d have been happy to choke that crazy b!tch until she changed colors. A little more of that and you’ll see a lot less of the unprovoked, unhinged attacks perpetrated against conservatives.



  13. I can only imagine what she’s teaching these kids



  14. Yor going to get this all the time from low life swamp scum….Nothing new here! I proudly wear my MAGA hat everyday…I go out of my to go to Liberal Democrat shit holes every chance I get to let em see it too! MAGA 2020! another 4 to melt the snowflakes!!!!



  15. Curious as to whether you reached out to the school district for a comment before posting these Facebook posts? If not this is more fake news.



  16. Lol, love the comments. A lot of y’all are showing as much class as the Idiot who assaulted the woman in the article.
    Flo-Rida guy, an internt warrior, hinted at shooting her for the assault, way to escalate that beyond reasonable use if force, enjoy your jail time. I saw beating and choking as a response, you do know police could file assault charges on both parties right?

    How about the right answer is someone in your party immediately call 911 and report the assault and ongoing harassment… Or is that just too damn adult?



  17. If she can’t take a stranger wearing a shirt and goes nuts ,makes you think is she even safe to be around kids what if one of them wore a Trump shirt to school is she going to denied them a education, doesn’t she know we have freedom of speech but that right we do have it as long as it is coming from a Demondcrap according to them and their thinking .God bless our Country and Donald Trump ,Drain the swamp you can start with this teacher



  18. The facebook posts quoted above are from March 17 and 18. I called the school district today (April 2) and they have taken action. They also conducted an investigation from what I understand and spoke to the police. Until charges are filed, not much more they can do.

    Liked by 1 person


  19. Im a Texan man through and through. Liked/loved or beem ok with every president thus far voted for W 1x time i am a Democrat (for the most part) and i wasnt pleased with anyone aside Bernie in the 2016 election. That being said ive had some issues with border farming communities with this crisis and ive seen Trumptards vs Never Trumpers in high gear in San Antonio a very conservative place and must say i have a huge problem with this teacher issue. Id like to think most younger elementary school teaxhers are sweet amd such but hot coffee on to this poor woman bollocks needs TO end. Teachers are supposed to be the light of the world here in America this is atrocious. I get it Patriot Lady but you are WROMG! U CANNOT GO AROUND HURTING PEOPLE HELL NO NOT IN TEXAS I WILL DIE TO DEFEND MY FELLOW S RIGHTS ASSUALT IS ASSUALT DEFENDING YOURSELF IS LIFE’S RIGHT NOT A CHARGE. Teachers need background check. These are our children people!



  20. Im a Texan man through and through. Liked/loved or beem ok with every president thus far voted for W 1x time i am a Democrat (for the most part) and i wasnt pleased with anyone aside Bernie in the 2016 election. That being said ive had some issues with border farming communities with this crisis and ive seen Trumptards vs Never Trumpers in high gear in San Antonio a very conservative place and must say i have a huge problem with this teacher issue. Id like to think most younger elementary school teaxhers are sweet amd such but hot coffee on to this poor woman bollocks needs TO end. Teachers are supposed to be the light of the world here in America this is atrocious. I get it Patriot Lady but you are WROMG! U CANNOT GO AROUND HURTING PEOPLE HELL NO NOT IN TEXAS I WILL DIE TO DEFEND MY FELLOW S RIGHTS ASSUALT IS ASSUALT DEFENDING YOURSELF IS LIFE’S RIGHT NOT A CHARGE. Teachers need background check. These are our children people!



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